Cleanse your space and home of stagnant, negative energy
Clear negativity from your body, mind, and spirit
Purify the air in your home or workspace
Promote holistic healing
Release traumas, painful memories, and negative thoughts
California White Sage -Smudge Sticks
all-natural ingredients. No chemicals preservatives, dyes, artificial fragrance, or coloring. Some natural variation in scent, texture, and color is normal.
POLICY & DISCLAIMER: Soil to Soul LLC and associated companies are not liable for any breakouts or allergic reactions to any of the product’s ingredients. To avoid any allergic reaction please read the product descriptions and ingredients carefully before purchase. Always perform a patch test.
Information on this website has not been evaluated or approved by the Food & Drug Administration. The product and information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or illness. By purchasing our products, you accept responsibility to check with a professional before using any products that may interfere with any drug or medical condition including pregnancy.